Human Right Policy
Respecting human rights and building a decent work environment are the foundation of business sustainability. Ennostar Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively “Ennostar Group”) are committed to pursuing compliance with the international labor practices and standards of human rights including the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the SA8000 Standard of Social Accountability International (SAI), the Code of Conduct of Responsible Business Alliance(RBA), and any applicable labor laws and international human rights standards, and develop human rights management procedures to implement human rights protection and comply with all applicable labor and employment laws and international standards in all operating areas.
Protection and Principles
Ennostar Group is committed to creating an environment conducive to human rights protection, avoiding any actions that may infringe or have a negative impact on human rights, and has established the following principles:
- Prohibition of Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
- Prohibition of Child Labor and Young Workers
- Working Hours and Wages paid to employees shall meet the applicable laws
- Prohibition of any form of inhumane treatment
- Valuing diversity policy against any form of discrimination
- Respecting Freedom of Association
- Providing all employees with a safe, healthy, clean and comfortable working environment
- Upholding the highest standards of business ethics
Human Right Management
We adopt a systematic management process to manage and fully comply with Ennostar Group's human rights policy through risk assessment, prevention, supervisory, and mitigation. We set up formal reporting channels for employees, suppliers and other external stakeholders to report on any conduct that is illegal, in violation of human rights, code of conduct or corporate integrity management, and take remedies and actions for any negative impacts or violations of human rights.