Build happy enterprises
by caring for and supporting employees
Ennostar protects internationally recognized labor human rights such as freedoms of association, collective bargaining rights, care for disadvantaged groups, prohibition of child labor, elimination of all forms of forced labor, and elimination of discrimination in hiring and employment, and confirmed that all human resource policies do not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, socio-economic class, age, marital status, or family conditions to ensure equal and fair employment, recruitment conditions, salaries, benefits, training, appraisals, and promotion opportunities.
Human Rights Policies
The Group’s human resource units jointly formulated human rights policies in three languages which were released on all Group corporate websites following approval by our chairman, serving as a public disclosure of our human rights policies and information. The Group strives to adhere to the “United Nations Global Compact,” “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” “Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,” “Social Accountability International (SAI),” “Responsible Business Alliance (RBA),” and other relevant labor laws and international human rights standards. We have established human rights regulations to ensure protection of human rights in all operational activities as well as compliance with applicable labor laws, employment laws, and international standards.
The Group hosts annual online refresher courses and examinations on “human rights policies” through our internal platform to ensure employees understand our human rights policies, and to avoid human rights risks. These courses achieved training completion rates of 100%. We disseminate information on human rights policies and demonstrate our emphasis on human rights through irregular newsletters to avoid human rights risks.
Protections and Principles
The Group is committed to shaping sound environments with beneficial human rights protections that prevent operational activities from resulting in human rights violations or negative impacts. We have formulated the following principles:
Prohibition of human trafficking and forced labor.
Prohibition of child labor.
Provide employees with working hours and salaries that adhere to legal regulations.
Eliminate all forms of inhumane treatment.
Respect diverse cultures and eliminate illegal discrimination.
Respect freedoms of association.
Provide a safe, healthy, clean, and comfortable working environment for all employees.
Uphold the highest business ethics standards.
Human Rights Management System
We adopt systemic management processes for complete compliance with Ennostar human rights policies. Related processes and practices include risk assessments, prevention measures, monitoring and detection measures, and mitigation or remediation measures.
Ennostar has established formal grievance channels so that employees, suppliers, and external stakeholders can report illegal matters or matters that violate human rights, our Code of Conduct, or our Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles, and we work to remedy and respond to all human rights violations and negative impacts.
√ In 2022, Ennostar reviewed and assessed all human rights issues related to discrimination, indigenous rights, child labor, forced labor, and obstructions to freedoms of association to confirm that no disputes occurred at all Group operational sites.
Ennostar assesses human rights risks in accordance with the RBA management system. The executive secretaries of our RBA management teams notify executive representatives for each team and conduct annual risk assessments of management practices, environments, health and safety, labor activities, and human rights and ethics risks using RBA risk assessment tools. Assessment aspects include work tasks and operational processes for all units, possible factors that may result in human rights risks, and possible violations of laws and RBA human rights. Ennostar has also formulated corresponding prevention and remedial measures for potential human rights risks:
√ Lextar and Lextar Electronics completed third-party RBA verifications in 2022 and 2021 in accordance with client requirements; Lextar received a full score.
Human Rights Training
The Group understands the importance of human rights issues. To strengthen awareness of human rights issues in our colleagues, we have incorporated human rights courses in training for new employees, including courses on trends in gender issues, sexual harassment prevention, gender equality, labor laws, and the Labor Standards Act. In 2022, we conducted human rights protection training for all colleagues to help them better understand their rights and our human rights policies. A total of 4,906 Ennostar employees participated in human rights training courses, achieving a training completion rate of 100%.